Naturheilpraxis München-Ost

Gesund werden und bleiben!

Gertrud Kaiser


Heidi Sell


Helena Giuman


Susanne Klippel

Naturheilkunde Bild

Naturopathy - Healing by nature

Naturopathy has been used since ages. It is based in the wealth of experience of  ancient medicine as well as in the medical realizations of important physicians and, as far as health is concerned, well informed people like Hildegard von Bingen, Paracelsus, Hahnemann, Kneipp.
With the use of naturopathic therapies  man is regarded as a whole. Gentle methods stimulate the body to find its natural balance. They are not limited to the treatment of individual disease symptoms. To heal means to strengthen the self healing forces of humans and to find a way to health and well-being.
We would like to help you to become and to remain healthy. The diagnostics and therapy methods we use serve for strengthening health and healthy attitude.
Additionally our alternative, natural welfare methods can supplement an already existing orthodox medical treatment in a meaningful way.
Give us a call or send us an email, if you want to get more information.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Die Praxis liegt im Münchner Osten im Stadtteil Ramersdorf innerhalb des Mittleren Rings in der Germersheimer Straße 23. Sie ist mit dem Auto und mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gut erreichbar.

Adresse für Routenplaner / Navi: Germersheimer Str. 23, 81541 München

    - Thomasiusplatz (Bus 54 / 145)
    - St.-Martin-Straße (S3 / S7)
    - Giesing Bahnhof (U2 / U7)
    - Werinherstraße (Tram 17)

Appointments: 089 / 40 90 80 54

If you like to visit us, please bear in mind that it is required to get an appointment in advance.

©2025 Naturheilpraxis München-Ost | HP Gertrud Kaiser & HP Heidi Sell | Germersheimer Str. 23, 81541 München | Tel: 089/40908054 | Fax: 089/49001015
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